General Santos City

General Santos City

Building Permit Application

Republic of the Philippines



1. Legal Documents: (1 original copy and 2 photocopies)

Certified True Copy of Certificate of Title/Transfer Certificate of Title (CTC)

  • - If the LOT/PROPERTY is not in the name of the applicant (any of the following): Deed of Absolute Sale, Lease Purchase Agreement, Deed of Assignment, Memorandum of Agreement, Extrajudicial Settlement, Authority to Construct, Lease Contract or Certification from the Lessor, Conditional Deed of Sale or Contract of Sale.
  • - If Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) is in the name of a Corporation: Secretary’s Certificate or Board Resolution of Authorized Signatory for the application.
  • - If a Representative is applying in behalf of the applicant: Notarized Authorization letter to transact with OBO (with Valid ID of applicant and representative).
  • - If a Representative is signing in behalf of the applicant: Notarized Special Power of Attorney(SPA) with Valid ID of applicant and representative.
  • - If NO INDIVIDUAL title: Approved Subdivision plan w/ Lot Boundaries and Technical description.
  • - In the Absence of Approved Subdivision plan: Authority to Construct.
  • - For Tower Crane Installation/ Firewall: Neighbor’s consent.

2. Other Clearances (1 original copy and 2 photocopies)

For Towers: CAAP clearance (1 original copy and 2 photocopies)

  • - If telecommunications Tower infrastructure is (1) in excess of 50 meters height and in the direct flight plan within a 3-kilometer radius of an airport; or (ii) shall be constructed within the 10-kilometer radius of communication-navigation surveillance facilities located off-airport.
  • - Affidavit of Undertaking, certified by a Geodetic Engineer conformed by the owner (notarized, 1 original copy and 2 photocopies)attesting that the proposed structure will be built outside the CAAPcritical areas for towers within 50 meters height.

Affidavit of Undertaking Form (duly filled out and notarized) Download here

  • - For other clearances to be submitted within 30 days after the issuance of the Building

3. Technical Documents

One (1) photocopy of valid PRC ID & current PTR with seal and 3 specimen signatures of the professional.

One (1) original and 2 photocopies of Sketch Plan (with clear landmarks) and Relocation Survey report.(Include Structural Survey Plan if the Structure is existing).

Four (4) copies of system generated and notarized Unified Application Form for Building Permit with ancillary/accessory application forms (if applicable).


  • A. Civil / Structural Permit Forms
  • B. Achitectural Permit Forms
  • C. Electrical Permit Forms
  • D. Plumbing/Sanitary Permit Forms
  • E. Electronics Permit Forms
  • F. Mechanical Permit Forms
  • G. Fencing Permit Forms (duly notarized)
  • H. Demolition Permit Forms (duly notarized) Download here
  • I. Excavation Permit Forms
  • J. Temporary Sidewalk Enclosure and Occupancy Permit Forms
  • K. Sign Permit Forms
  • L. Other ancillary/accessory permit forms (Rule III, Section 301, Item 2 of IRR of PD 1096)

Four (4) sets of Building Plans, design plans and other documents as follows:

  • A. Architectural/ Building:
    • I. (BP 344 – Accessibility Law compliance for commercial, institutional, industrial & public assembly buildings). Details, in the form of plans, elevations/sections:
      • i. PWD parking (3.70 x 5.00m)
      • ii.PWD ramp (1:12 max. gradient)
      • iii.PWD toilet (1.70m x 1.80m clear width – refer to BP 344)
    • II. Vicinity Map/Location Plan within a 2.00-kilometer radius for commercial, industrial, and institutional complex and within a half-kilometer radius for residential buildings, at any
    • III. Perspective drawn at a convenient scale and taken from a vantage point (bird’s eye view or eye level).
    • IV. Floor Plans drawn to scale of not less than 1:100 showing: gridlines, complete identification of rooms or functional spaces
    • V. Elevations, at least four (4), same scale as floor plans showing: gridlines; natural ground to finish grade elevations; floor to floor heights; door and window marks, type of material and exterior finishes; adjoining existing structure/s, if any, shown in single hatched lines.
    • VI. Sections, at least two (2), showing: gridlines; natural ground and finish levels; outline of cut and visible structural parts; doors and windows properly labeled reflecting the direction of opening; partitions; built-in cabinets, etc.; identification of rooms and functional spaces cut by section lines.
    • VII. Schedule of Doors and Windows showing their types, designations/marks, dimensions, materials, and number of sets.
    • VIII. Reflected ceiling plan showing: design, location, finishes and specifications of materials, lighting fixtures, diffusers, decorations, air conditioning exhaust and return grills, sprinkler nozzles, if any, at scale of at least 1:100.
    • IX. Layout plan of each floor indicating the fire evacuation route to safe dispersal areas, standpipes with fire hose, fire extinguishers, first aid kits/cabinets, fire alarm, fire operations room, emergency lights, signs, etc.
    • X. Details of windows, fire exits with grilled windows and ladders
    • - For Interior Renovation Projects
    • XI. Key Plan
    • XII. Front Elevation, same scale as floor plans showing: gridlines;
    • XIII. Sections, at least two (2), showing: gridlines;
  • B. Structural
    • I. Structural Design Analysis
      • i. for 2 storeys
        • a. One (1) copy of Structural Design Analysis & Computation
      • ii. for 3-5 storeys
        • a. One (1) copy of Load Test w/ photos
        • b. One (1) copy of Structural Design Analysis & Computation
      • iii. If 6 storeys and up
        • a. One (1) copy Soil exploration w/ photos
        • b. One (1) copy of Structural Design Analysis & Computation
    • II. Structural Plans
      • i. Structural plans coincide with the structural analysis
      • ii. Foundation Plans and Details at scale of not less than 1:100.
      • iii. Floor/Roof Framing Plans and Details at scale of not less than 1:100 Schedule of Column, Footings, Wall Footings and Floor Slabs
      • iv. Schedule of Beams and Girders/Details
      • v. Schedule of Trusses (Truss Details)
  • C. Electrical (with Design Analysis, Voltage Drop & Short Circuit Calculations)
    • I. Electrical plans coincide with other plans of all sections signed and sealed
    • II. Legend or Symbols
    • III. General Notes and/or Specifications
    • IV. Electrical Layout
    • V. Schedule of Loads, Transformers, Generating/UPS Units (Total kVA for each of the preceding items shall be indicated in the schedule)
    • VI. One line diagram
  • D. Plumbing/Sanitary
    • I. Plumbing plans coincide with other plans of all sections signed and sealed
    • II. Plumbing Plans, Layouts and Details, of minimum scale 1:50
    • III. Legend and General Notes
    • IV. Isometric drawings of the systems (incorporate rain water tank)
    • V. Design analysis and technical specifications
    • VI. Rainwater tank blow up plans/details
    • VII. Water supply / line plan
    • VIII. Drainage, waste and vent plan
    • IX. Storm water drainage plan (incorporate rainwater tank)
    • X. Septic tank, catch basin, grease trap, cistern tank, pressure tank, overhead water tank, sump pit and pump details (if applicable)
    • XI. Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) (if applicable) Planned and designed by only registered and licensed Sanitary Engineer Design analysis and computation signed and sealed by SE
  • E. Geodetic (with Sketch Plan, Relocation Survey Report except for Subdivisions)
    • - If the Building/ Structure is existing, Submit Structural Survey plan
    • - If individual title is still for approval, Submit Narrative Survey report
      • I. Vicinity Map/Location Plan within a 2.00-kilometer radius for commercial, industrial, and institutional complex and within a half-kilometer radius for residential buildings, at any convenient scale showing prominent landmarks or major thoroughfares for easy reference.
      • II. Site Development Plan showing technical description, boundaries, orientation and position of proposed building/structure in relation to the lot, existing or proposed access road and driveways and existing public utilities/services. Existing buildings within and adjoining the lot shall be hatched and distances between the proposed and existing buildings shall be indicated.
      • III. Lot Survey Plans, including but not limited to:
        • i. Vicinity Map/ Location Plan
        • ii. Lot Plan
        • iii. Relocation Survey Plan and Report
        • iv. Line and Grade
        • v. Detailed Topographic Plan of the site and immediate vicinity
  • F. Electronics(if applicable)
    • I. Electronics plans coincide with other plans of all sections
    • II. General layout plans with legends
    • III. Single line diagram
    • IV. Riser diagram
    • V. Isometry of the system
    • VI. Unit/Equipment specifications
    • VII. Design analysis, as applicable
  • G. Mechanical(if applicable)
    • I. Location Plan and Key Plan
    • II. General Layout Plan for each floor, drawn to a scale of not less than 1:100, indicating the equipment in heavier lines than the building outline with names of machinery and corresponding brake horsepower shall be indicated.
    • III. Plans drawn to scale of 1:100 indicating location of store rooms, fuel tanks, fire extinguishing systems, fire doors, fire escape ladders and other protective facilities
    • IV. Detailed Plans of machinery foundations and supports drawn to scale of at least 1:50
    • V. Detailed plans of fire suppression systems, location of automatic and smoke detectors and alarm and initiating devices used to monitor the conditions that are essential for the proper operation including switches for the position of gate valves as well as alert and evacuation signals; the detailed layout of the entire safe area to be protected and the heat/smoke ventilation system
      • i. Design Computation (Hydraulic calculation) of Fire Suppression System as per National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards
      • ii. If additional massive machinery like elevators, escalators, generator sets, boilers, etc.:
        • a. Certificate of Structural Stability (original copy/ signed & sealed w/ PRC/PTR), stating the gross weight of the machinery and the grid location of the structural members that will support the machinery.
        • b. copy of approved Structural Analysis and Design Computation copy of approved Structural Plans
  • H. Fire Protection(if applicable)
    • I. For Pylon/ Billboard
      • - One (1) copy of Structural Design Analysis & Computation
    • II. Three (3) sets Notarized Estimated Value of the Building/ Structure to be erected as declared by the owner/s (signed and sealed by duly licensed professionals and signed by owner/s)
    • III. Two (2) Sets of Technical Specifications (signed and sealed by duly licensed professionals and signed by owner/s)
    • IV. One (1) Set of Construction Safety and Health Program. In addition, provide picture if the building is existing.
    • V. One (1) copy of Structural Stability Certificate for existing buildings at least 15 years old (See Annex 5)
    • VI. One (1) Pc Long size folder with fastener:
      • YELLOW FOLDER – Complex Applications
      • The process of securing a Building Permit, as required for COMPLEX application comprising of:
        • 1) Interior Renovations covered by an appropriate Building Permit
        • 2) Conversion of existing building occupancy classification
        • 3) Multiple unit residential houses (such as row houses, townhouses, and the like)
        • 4) Single detached residential house, not more than 7 storeys
        • 5) Commercial buildings not more than 9 storeys
        • 6) Warehouses not more than 9 storeys
        • 7) Market buildings not more than 9 storeys
        • 8) Demolition (any type of occupancy/ use with area of more than three hundred (300) square meters)
        • 9) Billboard structures
        • 10) All other types of Occupancy not more than 9 storeys and communication towers (based on JMC 1, s. 2020)
      • RED FOLDER – Highly Technical Applications
      • HIGHLY TECHNICAL applications comprising of:
        • 1) Commercial buildings exceeding 9 storeys
        • 2) Market buildings exceeding 9 storeys
        • 3) All applications belonging to Group D of NBCP
        • 4) All applications belonging to Group H and I of NBCP
        • 5) All other types of occupancy of more than 9 storeys
        • 6) Special structures such as but not limited to Aerodome facilities, before construction work or operation can commence in compliance with the National Building Code of the Philippines (PD 1096), its IRR and Referral Codes, other pertinent laws, and directives.
      • PINK FOLDER – EVOSS Energy-related projects such as solar panel
    • VII. For BUILDING PERMIT – Amendatory (AS-BUILT), attach Building Permit and/or Occupancy Inspection Report and 1 complete set of approved building plans.
    • VIII. For BUILDING PERMIT - ADDITIONAL/ REPAIR or Renovation, attach Building permit and/or Certificate of Occupancy and 1 complete set of approved building plans.
      • Notes:
        • 1. Realty Tax payments should be up to date before an application can be accepted in electronics system.
        • 2. GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS are exempted from Building Permit fees only.
        • 3. The design should incorporate provisions of Philippine Green Building Code (PGBC) with the required minimum Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA).
        • 4. – see Table 1, Section 8 of PGBC for minimum TGFA in Annex 4
        • 5. Malls, Hospitals and other Public Buildings such as City Hall, Sangguniang Panlungsod, Central Public Market, Fishport Complex, Colleges and Universities, Public Transportation Terminal, Camp Fermin Lira, and the Philippine National Police XII Headquarters located within the Territorial Jurisdiction of General Santos City to Provide Prayer Rooms for Muslims as per Ordinance No. 19 Series of 2022. (See Annex 7)
        • 6. The design should incorporate requirements for Earthquake Recording Instrumentation (ERI), based on EO No. 1, s. 2020. See Annex 3
        • 7. For AMENDATORY BUILDING PERMIT (AS-BUILT), attach Building Permit and/or Occupancy Inspection Report and 1 complete set of approved building plans (if issued before 2021).
        • 8. For BUILDING PERMIT - ADDITIONAL/REPAIR or Renovation, attach Building permit and/or Certificate Occupancy and 1 complete set of approved building plans (if issued before 2021).
      • REMINDER:


      • Segregate the following documents in a Brown Folder for submission to CPDO: (1 copy each)
        • 1. Lot Title / Any Form of Ownership
        • 2. Sketch Plan
        • 3. Site Development Plan
        • 4. Architectural Plans
        • 5. Notarized Cost Estimates
        • 6. Unified Application Form
        • 7. Traffic Impact Assessment(TIA) / Traffic Management Plan(TMP), if applicable